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Beauty | Multi-Platfform | South Africa


Company Background:

The company is a major beauty brand in Africa that specifically caters to helping African women achieve their hair goals.


Situational Context:

At the time, South Africa was going through a spike in gender-based violence, creating an unsafe environment for women in the country. Particularly, young women aged 18-35.



To create an impactful social media campaign that will provide social benefits and increase brand awareness.



The campaign was aimed at empowering university women and changing the narrative to that a woman is her own person, and should be valued as such. "She should be defined by her own actions and decisions, and is responsible for every action she takes, and should be celebrated as such. 


The plan consisted of a combination of marketing methods to create awareness and enhance the brand. Stages:


​1. Instagram: Partnering with micro-influencers within universities to create awareness and enhance brand image. They would be asked to post strong pictures of themselves with an inspiring story about how they were able to achieve a great accomplishment, despite the dangerous environment they are in now with the hashtag #SheIsSomebody.


2. Campus Visits: Visit campuses and provide safety kits to students including tools for protection like pepper spray and samples of the company products to increase association with campaign message.


3. Events: Partner with other brands to host events that include beneficial services such as self defence classes to teach women to take control of their narrative. Brand products and merchandise would be sold and displayed, likely leading to sales.


4. Feedback: Access success of campaign using KPIs identified in the beginning. 


The result was that the manager of the company loved the campaign and chose as a contender for their 2020 Student-Led Project.

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